129–48.ġ989 "Argentina’s rock nacional: The Struggle for Meaning." Latin American Music Review 10, no. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.ġ987 " Rock nacional and Dictatorship in Argentina." Popular Music 6, no. Semán, Pablo, Pablo Vila, and Cecilia BenedettiĢ004 "Neoliberalism and Rock in the Popular Sectors of Contemporary Argentina." In Rockin' las Américas: The Global Politics of Rock in Latin/o America, edited by Deborah Pacini-Hernández, Héctor D. New York: Routledge.Ģ010 Alberto Ginastera: A Research and Information Guide. In From Tejano to Tango: Latin American Popular Music, edited by Walter Aaron Clark, pp. Boulder: Westview Press.Ģ002 "The Popularized Gaucho Image as a Source of Argentine Classical Music, 1880–1920. Austin: University of Texas Press.ġ995 Tango and the Political Economy of Passion. 3 (September 1979): 395–416.Ģ004 "Musical Culture of Indigenous Societies in Argentina." In Music in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Encyclopedic History, edited by Malena Kuss, vol. 242–78.ġ979 "‘Pulling the Ancestors’: Performance Practice and Praxis in Mapuche Ordering." Ethnomusicology 23, no. 68–93.Ģ005 "Contemporary Tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina: A Globalized Local Music in a Historicized Present." Master’s report, University of Texas, 2005.Ģ009 "The Topos of the Guitar in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Argentina." Musical Quarterly 92, no. 42–61.Ģ007 " Tango renovación: On the Uses of Music History in Post-Crisis Argentina." Latin American Music Review 28, no. Portland, OR: Amadeus.Ģ003 "Carlos Guastavino: The Intersection of música culta and música popular in Argentine Song." Latin American Music Review 24, no. Translated, annotated, and expanded by Fernando González. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.ġ999 "Globalization and the Tango." Yearbook for Traditional Music 31 (1999): pp. New York: Thames and Hudson.Ģ001 Cuarteto Music and Dancing from Argentina: In Search of the Tunga-Tunga in Córdoba. New York: Oxford University Press.ġ995 ¡Tango! The Dance, the Song, the Story. Chapter 7 Argentina and the Rioplatense Region Deborah Schwartz-Kates BibliographyįURTHER READING English-Language Sources ArgentinaĢ000 Le Grand Tango: The Life and Music of Astor Piazzolla.